Presented by The View From Here Design Studio and supported by Latrobe City Council as part of the Latrobe City Business festival, C3/City Country Connect is a unique one-day event designed to connect the Gippsland & greater Melbourne business communities. Tickets are strictly limited to this fast-format business summit encouraging deeper connection along the M1.
Meet representatives from a carefully selected group of metropolitan networking organisations: Coraggio, IQ Club, Melbourne Business Network and The Good Blokes Society — Take the opportunity to explore how these organisations may help your Gippsland business find it’s feet and prosper, at home, and, in the big smoke and beyond.
NETWORK WITH LIKEMINDED BUSINESSES : C3 is for the benefit of Gippsland and Latrobe Valley’s SMEs—numbers are limited, and attendees will have the opportunity to meet other business owners in an intimate setting to discuss the topics presented on the day in the stunning surrounds of Gippsland Performing Arts Centre, Traralgon.
CONNECT WITH GIPPSLAND’S PREMIER BUSINESSES & ORGANISATIONS: With a transitioning economy, Gippsland and Latrobe Valley businesses are actively seeking business opportunities in neighbouring economic centres. This is your opportunity to meet and network with the region’s business leaders, and lay the foundations of long term business relationships.
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