Creative Latrobe

Creative Latrobe is a public art project partnership between Latrobe Health Assembly, Latrobe City Council and the Latrobe community. This project aims to create exciting and bold art activations in Traralgon, Morwell, Moe, Churchill and one small town, Boolarra.

Creative Latrobe

Making underpasses and parks a public artspace

Creative Latrobe is a public art project partnership between Latrobe Health Assembly, Latrobe City Council and the Latrobe community. This project aims to create exciting and bold art activations in Traralgon, Morwell, Moe, Churchill and one small town, Boolarra.

Art installations can range anywhere from mural, sculpture, digital, light, sound-based, kinetic or a combination of art forms. In 2023, large and small-town Latrobe City residents helped Council to prioritise the artwork Creative Latrobe will create.

The Latrobe City community selected the below six sites and artwork mediums:

  • Bert Thompson Reserve Underpass – Light or Projection
  • Whittaker Road Underpass – Light or Projection
  • Waterhole Creek Morwell Underpass – Mural Restoration and Light
  • Monash Way Churchill Underpass – Light or Projection
  • Moe Botanical Gardens – Sculpture and Light
  • Boolarra Centenary Park – Temporary Art Event(s)

Commissioning artwork

A proposal for the creation, commission and installation of artworks for Creative Latrobe will be sought in the coming months.

A variety of opportunities will be advertised through a Request for Quote process. Opportunities will include things like Creative Lighting and sculptural designs, artwork construction, and installation.

Contact Creative Latrobe if you are interested in applying.

Artists updates

Join our Creative Latrobe Artist Facebook group to keep updated on opportunities, networking events and workshops, and to get support with your application.


  • First community consultation: completed
  • Define artwork types and select sites: completed
  • Select artists: in progress
  • Second community consultation: yet to commence
  • Create artworks: yet to commence
  • Clean and prepare sites: yet to commence
  • Install artworks to sites: yet to commence
  • Creative Latrobe launch event: yet to commence

Where we are now

Since commencing the project at the end of 2022, Creative Latrobe has collected ideas from children, young people, parents, and volunteers. In collaboration with students, artists, curators and other experts, these ideas have been developed into specific goals – leading to clear artwork requirements reflecting current community need.

Key concepts include:

  • Creative & Curious
  • Vibrant & Connected
  • Physically & Mentally Active
  • Equal & Inclusive

Types of artwork

Sculptures: Three-dimensional artworks that can be made from a variety of materials such as stone, metal, wood, or plastic. They can be abstract or representational.

Murals: Large-scale artworks painted or applied directly onto walls, facades, or other surfaces. They can be created using various techniques such as painting, mosaic, or digital prints, and are often used to convey messages, tell stories, or beautify public spaces.

Light or projection: A popular form of public art, this can include interactive installations, projections, LED displays, and other digital media.


Where has the need for this project come from?

Latrobe City Council is working in partnership with Latrobe Health Assembly who collaborated with Urban Scale Interventions to develop a range of design principles and activations to improve wellbeing in Latrobe City.

Creative Latrobe is a vital component of this work and community members can learn more by visiting the Looking Forward Latrobe website.

Where is Creative Latrobe installing public art?

Six art activations will be installed at the following sites:

  • Bert Thompson Reserve Underpass Traralgon
  • Whittakers Road Underpass, Traralgon
  • Waterhole Creek Underpass, Morwell
  • Moe Botantical Gardens
  • Monash Way Underpass, Churchill
  • Centenary Park, Boolarra

Who decides what art is installed?

The selection of each art installation is based on community feedback, investment and maintenance requirements and greatest community benefit as determined by Latrobe City Council and Latrobe Health Assembly.

How was the first community consultation feedback implemented in this project?

The community feedback gathered in 2023 guided the selection of specific sites such as underpasses and preferred art mediums to be created. Once the artists are selected, further community consultation will occur to develop artist designs.

Will small towns in Latrobe City be included in this project?

Community members from all Latrobe City towns are encouraged to attend the Conference of the Birds events in Boolarra (May 2024 and May 2025). Artist workshops are also coming soon to the small towns that submitted a small-town proposal for Creative Latrobe. Further information on these events can be found here.

I am a local artist. How can I get involved?

Local artists can get involved by submitting a proposal via vendor panel, attending, volunteering or making art for Conference of the Birds, sharing your advice at the second round of community consultation later this year or by contacting Creative Latrobe directly via

Contact us

Kate Cumming, Community Engagement Officer – Activating Safe & Liveable Communities
0409 327 314

Creative Latrobe is an initiative of the Latrobe Health Assembly within the Latrobe Health Innovation Zone and Latrobe City Council. Funded by the State Government.

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This is what it means to visit, work, invest and live in Latrobe City. It’s what Latrobe City is and what it will be.

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