
Latrobe Visitor Information Centre

The Latrobe region is rich in history, cultural experiences, events, dining and accommodation, not to mention the beautiful wilderness and outdoor activities. Find out all you need to know at the always-friendly Latrobe Visitor Information Centre.

Your one stop shop for travel information including maps, brochures, itineraries and locally made gifts.
Staffed by knowledgeable locals, the Latrobe Visitor Information Centre can provide advice on where to stay, places to see and things to do.

The Latrobe Visitor Information Centre is based in the Gippsland Performing Arts Centre, right next to the Traralgon Library. Open seven days a week from 10:00am – 4:00pm, except Christmas Day and ANZAC Day, you’ll find everything you need to know about the region right there. The friendly staff and volunteers are more than willing to help you find your way around, no matter what your interests.

Come and get some tips on how to enhance your stay in beautiful Latrobe City, such as accommodation and dining options, transport information, local event details and so much more. The Latrobe City region is home to some stunning outdoor activities and beautiful natural wilderness, so you can get the inside info on the best walks, drives and places to explore. Find information about cultural landmarks and events, the thriving arts community, and more. It’s all waiting for you in Latrobe City.

Latrobe City is a transforming region that invites people to transform alongside it.


Latrobe City is a transforming region that invites people to transform alongside it.

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This is what it means to visit, work, invest and live in Latrobe City. It’s what Latrobe City is and what it will be.

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